Institut für Ethik, Geschichte und Theorie der Medizin

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Publikationen 2021

Marckmann G, Schildmann J. (2021). Medizin- und Public Health-Ethik: Zugespitzt und breit diskutiert. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2021;118(51-52):A2432-33.

Schnell-Inderst P, Laschkolnig A, Marckmann G, Antony D, Siebert U, Muhlberger N (2021). Hodenkrebsscreening bei Mannern ab 16 Jahren: IQWiG ThemenCheck Health Technology Assessment-Bericht zu medizinischen, okonomischen, sozialen, ethischen, rechtlichen und organisatorischen Aspekten. Gesundheitswesen 2021.

Schütz M (2021). Memory unbound, unfounded memory? On medicine, the Holocaust, and bioethical reflection. European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health 78(1):74–95.

Schleidgen S, Friedrich O, Wolkenstein A (2021). How intelligent neurotechnology can be epistemically unjust. An exploration into the ethics of algorithms. Review of Social Economy

Marckmann G (2021). Ethische Herausforderungen der Ressourcenallokation bei Pandemien. In: Reis A, Schmidhuber M, Frewer A (Hg.) Pandemien und Ethik. Entwicklung - Probleme - Lösungen. Berlin: Springer 2021, S. 93-106.

In der Schmitten J, Jox R, Pentzek M, Marckmann G (2021). Advance care planning by proxy in German nursing homes: Descriptive analysis and policy implications. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2021.

Cozzi E, Schneeberger S, Bellini MI, Berglund E, Bohmig G, Fowler K, Hoogduijn M, Jochmans I, Marckmann G, et al. (2021). Organ transplants of the future: planning for innovations including xenotransplantation. Transpl Int 2021, DOI 10.1111/tri.14031

Kögel J (2021). Performing a Disembodied Mind: Neurotechnology Between Empowerment and Normalization. HCII 2021.

Marckmann G (2021). Ökonomisierung im Gesundheitswesen als organisationsethische Herausforderung. Ethik in der Medizin 2021 (online first)

Schütz M (2021). Deference, Pragmatism, Ideology. The Medical Student Kurt Gerstein and the Predicament of Ethical Conduct under National Socialism, in: Sabine Hildebrandt, Miriam Offer und Michael Grodin (Hg.), Recognizing the Past in the Present. New Studies on Medicine Before, During and After the Holocaust, New York: Berghahn 2021, 140–153.

Kuehlmeyer K, Bender A, Jox RJ, Racine E, Ruhfass M & Schembs L (2021). Next of kin’s Reactions to Results of Functional Neurodiagnostics of Disorders of Consciousness: a Question of Information Delivery or of Differing Epistemic Beliefs? Neuroethics.

In der Schmitten J, Jox RJ, Pentzek M, Marckmann G (2021). Advance care planning by proxy in German nursing homes: Descriptive analysis and policy implications. J Am Geriatr Soc 2021.

Schmid JR, Friedrich O, Kessner S, Jox RJ (2021). Thoughts Unlocked by Technology—a Survey in Germany About Brain-Computer Interfaces. Nanoethics 15: 303–313.